
Prospect Conversion
Learn More Your Sales Partner slider art slider art slider art We will follow up your prospects and nudge
them in the right direction to close the sale.

Prospect Conversion

Prospects are rarely ready to buy straight away. They can be unsure and uninterested. Maybe they are satisfied with their current supplier – for now, they may not even realise they have a need. Our role is to nudge them in the right direction – right the way through to actually closing the sale.
We do this through timely and systematic follow-up, right the way through to the prospect making a Yes / No decision. We ask for feedback on your initial sales call or quotation (which we may have lined up for you). We respond to any objections. We help them towards their decision by keeping in contact until the status is confirmed. If the decision is “No”, we’ll find out why, provide you with feedback and identify if the prospect should be contacted again in the future.

Our Approach

Understanding Your Business And Objectives

We need to understand your unique selling point – this will ensure that we are well equipped to articulate why your services are superior to those of their current supplier. Knowing your sales targets will help us to understand where we can bring value. We’ll advise on realistic prospect conversion objectives based on your budget and target.

Understanding And Overcoming Objections

We spend time with you to profile the decision maker you are looking to target. Then we understand their pain points. This helps ensure that we able to overcome any objections – by understanding how and why you are best placed to address these issues

Gathering Data

We collect information on those leads and prospects already in your sales pipeline. We understand what sales activity has already gone on with them and where they might be in their decision making. From there, we able to plan what we do for you next to help with the prospect conversion process.

Following Up

We schedule timely follow-up calls and emails to keep in contact with the prospect – following the opportunity through to the point of a decision. We’ll keep you updated at every stage, so there’s a transparent trail of all activity from the moment the lead first came into the sales pipeline, through to the decision that was made by the prospect and for what reason.

Picking Up The Phone

We introduce ourselves as working directly for you and ask for feedback on your appointment, sales meeting and / or quotation. We check with the prospect that they are in receipt of everything they need to make a decision and if more information is required, we follow up with you and revert to the prospect in a timely manner.

Monitoring Performance

On your behalf we constantly monitor performance. We keep in constant contact with you to ensure quality is being maintained in the activities that we provide, and the prospects that we are converting. Reports are provided with all statistics associated with the campaign.

Review And Improve

Converting prospects is often an iterative process, one that often involves multiple cycles to get it absolutely right, learning what works and what doesn’t along the way. We will evaluate each cycle providing any recommendations as appropriate to improve the next cycle of activities. We sit down with you at quarterly reviews to discuss performance and how to keep improving.

What Our Customers Say