Meet The Team – Luke Smith
There are few men out there as brave as Luke Smith…Father to three boys, DIY extraordinaire husband of the owner of Premium Sales. Having spent many years within logistics operationally, Luke did the one thing few men dare to do…he went to work for the wife. Tell us about your […]
Meet The Team – Imogen Fox
This week we wanted to introduce another member of our team to you all. Meet Imi Fox! Imi joined Premium Sales in August of 2019, with no previous sales experience. Nearly two years on, Imi has proved herself to be an invaluable member of the team, not only does she […]
Customer Retention
If a prospect doesn’t say yes right away, what do you do with them? If you don’t keep in touch with them, they may forget you, but contact them too much and you run the risk of annoying them! Prospects are rarely ready to buy straight away. They […]
Back to the office and a new personal best!
I think that parents all around the country gave a big sigh of relief on 19th March when the kids went back to school. The team here at Premium Sales were no different. Because for us, the kids returning to school meant the team were also ready to start returning […]
Changing Careers at 30
Changing careers is a big decision to make. Some people never get the chance to totally change the trajectory of their career. After spending 10 years in recruitment, Kate press paused and re-evaluated what she really wanted. We jumped at the opportunity to get Kate on board. Carry on reading […]
Working from home essentials!
Over the last 12 months, working from home has become commonplace for a lot of people. But even for seasoned home workers, working from home for 8 hours per day, 5 days per week can be really challenging Here are some of my top tips on how to effectively work from […]
Why would you outsource your sales function?
In the past, sales functions were a core part of an organisation. Over the years, outsourcing sales has become more and more popular – and not just with people who don’t have an internal tram. Some people actually use an outsourced sales service alongside their current sales team to boost their productivity Here’s […]