Why Part-time Works For Us!
“What can you do in 16 hours?” Sounds silly doesn’t it? But this is what was said to me when I requested part-time hours in my previous role. Then I discovered Premium Sales. Many people find themselves in a situation where their circumstances have changed and the company they work […]
Different Kinds Of Salespeople?
Over the years, I am sure you will have met many salespeople, some good, some bad and some you probably wish you had never met! There is no ‘cookie cutter’ approach when it comes to sales, and you should always develop your own style and approach. So, let’s take a […]
Meet The Team – Kelly Bakewell
This week, we wanted to introduce you all to Kelly B! Kelly has been with us for over 3 years now and is loved by teammates and clients alike. Find out why Kelly has been with Premium Sales for so long and her journey during her time with us! Why did […]
Telemarketing Myths & Misconceptions
Over the years, Telemarketing hasn’t always had the best reputation. I have heard many horror stories from former telemarketers and call centre workers about some of the shocking practises they have experienced. I now also hear a number of people’s opinions of telemarketing, which are based on outdated myths and misconceptions, so this week I am […]
Meet The Team – Izzy Neville
Isabelle joined our team back at the start of 2018. She is one of the youngest members of our team and has proved herself to be completely invaluable to us. Izzy has never ending knowledge and if there is something she doesn’t know about Premium Sales; it isn’t worth knowing! This week, Izzy tells us why she joined us and why she is still here! […]
How do you manage your social media?
In today’s world, sales isn’t all about picking up the phone. It is important to grow your brand presence across social media and increase customer engagement with your organisation. We have an in-house team of specialists, who can do everything from hosting and updating your company website, through to researching and writing blogs for your […]
Meet The Team – Vicky Reynolds
This week, we wanted to introduce Vicky to you! Vicky has been with Premium Sales since 2017 and during that time has taken on a whole host of roles with us, proving herself to be an integral part of our team. Why did you join Premium Sales? The previous company I worked […]
How to use social media as part of your sales process
Tik Tok, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter…there are so many social media platforms nowadays that it’s hard to keep up! Companies are using Social Media more and more to get their brand out to the public, but is sales all about social media now? Reports show that 91% of B2B buyers […]
Changing Careers at 30
Changing careers is a big decision to make. Some people never get the chance to totally change the trajectory of their career. After spending 10 years in recruitment, Kate press paused and re-evaluated what she really wanted. We jumped at the opportunity to get Kate on board. Carry on reading […]
How Covid-19 Affected Sales
Covid-19, or Coronavirus…the word is almost said as whisper, like ‘he who shall not be named’ (Harry Potter reference…if you know, you know!) I don’t think there is an industry that hasn’t been impacted by Covid-19. It’s been a tough time for everyone. It has touched everyone in some way […]