How to use social media as part of your sales process
Tik Tok, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter…there are so many social media platforms nowadays that it’s hard to keep up! Companies are using Social Media more and more to get their brand out to the public, but is sales all about social media now? Reports show that 91% of B2B buyers […]
Working from home essentials!
Over the last 12 months, working from home has become commonplace for a lot of people. But even for seasoned home workers, working from home for 8 hours per day, 5 days per week can be really challenging Here are some of my top tips on how to effectively work from […]
Too busy to sell!?
In your role you no doubt wear many hats. One of those hats will be your sales hat. How do you continue to bring in new business whilst juggling all your other duties? When you are busy and your attention is pulled in many directions, quite often sales activity goes to the bottom of the list. […]
Meet The Team – Gemma Winter
Hiring the right people to support your business is really tricky, but we like to think that we have It nailed! Gemma was our first employee, joining us way back in July 2014 and amazingly still works for Premium Sales. In this blog, Gemma tells us all about why she […]
It’s All In The Mind
Is it really all in the mind?? “It’s all in the mind” “It’s all about having a positive mental attitude” These are two phrases you frequently hearing in a sales environment and it’s bloody annoying…right? But is it true? Does being a successful sales person, all come down to mindset? […]