How often do you thank your customers?
Do you ever feel like you are constantly chasing new business but your sales figures aren’t increasing? Are you looking at your current customer base and finding yourself scratching your head? Customers want to feel valued and acknowledged. The level of customer service provided by a company is essential. Did […]
Meet The Team – Luke Smith
There are few men out there as brave as Luke Smith…Father to three boys, DIY extraordinaire husband of the owner of Premium Sales. Having spent many years within logistics operationally, Luke did the one thing few men dare to do…he went to work for the wife. Tell us about your […]
Why Part-time Works For Us!
“What can you do in 16 hours?” Sounds silly doesn’t it? But this is what was said to me when I requested part-time hours in my previous role. Then I discovered Premium Sales. Many people find themselves in a situation where their circumstances have changed and the company they work […]